Busy Weekend

Really sorry i din update my blog lately,i'm having a heck of a busy day laltely....
The title says it all,i'll show you what my last weekend is.
As usual,i always hang with my housemates,or roomates to be exact,both were my super tight buddies all the way back when we're in the middle or even primary school.
The picture above is SX,or Seng Xin.We went b-ballin' with bunch of his telemarketing colleagues at TAR college.He straight 'layan' DOtA after back from basketball.Luckily i'm not a huge fan of that game,more of a L4D fan,haha....The new L4D 2 is coming out,can't wait...
Time to sleep,don't wanna get up late tomorrow,good night man.
Forgive my sketchy update,will do better next time,haha...