today was my off day,again....
Yeah!!!I love offday at monday,as monday is the boringest day of the whole week,nobody goes to the mall at monday right?
Woke up today at 11am,once i wake up i can already feel the boringness of monday,haih....
Whole afternoon doing nothing but rottin' my brains out staring at the screen of my lapto and take a nap again after my the way my desktop had died few days ago due to some sickness i can't be sure,the symptomp is having blue screen....hope those stuff inside my HDD is still save-able.
Went to skate during 5 something,luckily it only rain a lil' bit here,the floor still not that wet and still skateable...This is what my shoe looks like after several hours of tormenting by the grip tape of my board .The insole suffers worse cos i have wide feet and i can feel the inner stiching of the shoe already starts to break apart,might need to get a new pair of beater pair soon...
And after i came back to my house,i felt a slight itch on my left ankle,and when i open the light of my room and look down,i discovered this:
Seems that my board wanted some payback for those times i've been tormenting it,haha....
This is for those who have been thinking of skating in short pants,my advice is wear longer socks of high top shoes!haha...
Ok,time's up,gotta go dinner now,bye...
5 years ago
Enjoy life ya and fast fast go to buy your new shoes lah..^^
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